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Youth Entrepreneurship


Building Your Own Door: Embracing Youth Entrepreneurship

American comedian and actor Milton Berle once said, "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." This quote is particularly relevant today when mainstream opportunities seem sporadic and unpredictable. The real challenge is to leverage what you already have—your skills, capabilities, and passions—to create your opportunities and make a living from them. Gone are the days when entrepreneurship only looked like a middle-aged man with a suit and tie; pardon the […]

today20 June 2024 190 2 2

Comparison, the thief of happiness


Comparison is the thief of joy

Constantly comparing ourselves against others, whether it's peers, friends, family, or what we see online, is a widespread habit - and not a great one. It is a sneaky thief, stealthily creeping into our lives and stealing from us because our attention is not on what we already have but on what we do not have. In today's hyperconnected world, comparison comes easily. We scroll through social media, bombarded with […]

today10 March 2024 27

love bombing


What you need to know about love-bombing

Love-bombing is a manipulative tactic used to overwhelm a person with affection and attention, which often occurs at the beginning of a relationship or after a person has done something that might jeopardise a relationship. The opposite would be ghosting, abruptly cutting off all communication and contact with anyone previously given regular and exclusive attention or treatment. These buzzwords occupy trend lists and group chats because the acts have become […]

today20 February 2024 645 2

online security


Easy and practical online safety tips

In a world dominated by digital screens and endless scrolling, it's easy to lose track of time while scrolling, trolling, Uber-ing, and posting dance-toks. One crucial question often takes a back seat - are we prioritizing our online safety? Nothing can dampen the digital experience quite like falling victim to cyber threats and hacks. In this article, we'll delve into some easy and practical ways to protect ourselves from the […]

today24 January 2024 377 2

cancel culture


Cancel culture: accountability or bullying?

In recent years, cancel culture has gained significant traction, becoming a prominent aspect of our online and offline interactions. While it aims to hold individuals accountable for their actions, cancel culture also has downsides. Let’s delve into the negative consequences of cancel culture and explore how it lends itself to the toxicity of an environment, hinders productive dialogue, and diminishes the potential for growth and understanding. Listen to the podcast: […]

today10 January 2024 33

meaning of friendship


What is real friendship?

Friendship is a gift we all deserve. A friend is a person you have a bond of mutual affection with.  In Greek, this friendly love is called Philia. It's the friendly love between two people who are not related or in love. It’s a love that occurs when both people share the same values and respect each other. It's oftentimes referred to as “brotherly love.” The friends you choose can […]

today30 July 2023 131

finding identity


Can young people today find their identity in Jesus Christ?

Can young people find their identity in Jesus Christ nowadays? The simple answer for any believer is Yes. The beautiful thing about Jesus is that He forms and illuminates each unique individual created by His Father. Identity defines the distinguishing character or personality of an individual. Therefore, your distinct personality is a result of Divine design made more brilliant by your relationship with Jesus. In this era, we have vast […]

today16 July 2023 83

secret to happiness


The secret to happiness

What is real happiness? Can we buy it, sell it, trade it? The world seems to think so and offers happiness in many forms - but it never lasts. Look like this, be able to do that, own these things; and you'll be truly happy. Here's a different take on experiencing moments of true happiness - and it won't cost you a thing. Happiness in simple living Love. Life. Sunshine. […]

today31 October 2022 70 2

not ok


It’s Ok to not be Ok

It doesn’t seem right to be ok with not being ok. It may feel like you are giving in to feelings that will lead you to a downward spiral, or you are giving up on holding on to positivity. Maybe we learned to fear “negative” emotions and feelings at some point. As though these are monsters which will never let go of us if they grip their grimy poisonous claws […]

today1 October 2022 181 6 2

Our Socials

I Am Youth web radio is the go-to platform for today’s young adults. Our team of young, charismatic influencers is based in South Africa. We produce high-quality content on TikTok social media and YouTube. Our primary goal is to infiltrate the spaces that young people already occupy.

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