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26 Results / Page 1 of 3

Youth Entrepreneurship


Building Your Own Door: Embracing Youth Entrepreneurship

American comedian and actor Milton Berle once said, "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." This quote is particularly relevant today when mainstream opportunities seem sporadic and unpredictable. The real challenge is to leverage what you already have—your skills, capabilities, and passions—to create your opportunities and make a living from them. Gone are the days when entrepreneurship only looked like a middle-aged man with a suit and tie; pardon the […]

today20 June 2024 190 2 2


Celebrate your wins, no matter how small

In our fast-paced and goal-oriented society, we often focus on major accomplishments, neglecting the significance of celebrating small victories. However, recognizing these small triumphs can greatly impact our well-being, motivation, and overall sense of fulfilment. Acknowledging small wins serves as a powerful source of motivation and reinforcement. Whether completing a task ahead of schedule, overcoming a minor obstacle, or achieving a personal goal, acknowledging these small victories provides a tangible […]

today8 May 2024 89

human rights south africa


A reflection on Human Rights Month in South Africa

As we commemorate Human Rights Month in South Africa, we are reminded of the struggles and triumphs that have shaped the nation's commitment to upholding human rights for all its citizens. March holds a special significance as it marks the anniversary of the Sharpeville Massacre on March 21, 1960, a pivotal event in the country's history that led to the establishment of Human Rights Day. Read: Your voice matters and […]

today14 March 2024 23 1

Comparison, the thief of happiness


Comparison is the thief of joy

Constantly comparing ourselves against others, whether it's peers, friends, family, or what we see online, is a widespread habit - and not a great one. It is a sneaky thief, stealthily creeping into our lives and stealing from us because our attention is not on what we already have but on what we do not have. In today's hyperconnected world, comparison comes easily. We scroll through social media, bombarded with […]

today10 March 2024 27


It’s okay to show sadness and grief

Amid our fast-paced lives and constant digital distractions, it's essential to take the time to process our emotions and allow ourselves to grieve, whether it is over the loss of a friendship, bad exam results, or something that happened at home. It's okay to feel sad, angry, confused, or even relieved – this isn’t always discussed. Emotions can be messy and complicated, and it's important to permit yourself to feel […]

today1 February 2024 39

meaning of friendship


What is real friendship?

Friendship is a gift we all deserve. A friend is a person you have a bond of mutual affection with.  In Greek, this friendly love is called Philia. It's the friendly love between two people who are not related or in love. It’s a love that occurs when both people share the same values and respect each other. It's oftentimes referred to as “brotherly love.” The friends you choose can […]

today30 July 2023 131

finding identity


Can young people today find their identity in Jesus Christ?

Can young people find their identity in Jesus Christ nowadays? The simple answer for any believer is Yes. The beautiful thing about Jesus is that He forms and illuminates each unique individual created by His Father. Identity defines the distinguishing character or personality of an individual. Therefore, your distinct personality is a result of Divine design made more brilliant by your relationship with Jesus. In this era, we have vast […]

today16 July 2023 83

choose life


Choose life

It's easy to give up and hard to choose life - but it is possible, and it can get easier. One of our passions at I Am Youth is to exhort and encourage young people to consistently choose to live with hope, faith, and joy. Like everything in life, including life itself, we receive good things, but we are responsible for conserving them as best we can. It doesn’t have […]

today17 June 2023 52 2

online learning


Online learning made easy

The I Am Youth online learning platform launched, and it's jam-packed with courses to equip yourself to be the best candidate when applying for a job - and it's cheaper than going to the movies! SpecCon Holdings, a SETA [Skills Education Training Authority] accredited institution, develops and maintains the courses. The platform is available to all for only R150 a year, and it offers a wide range of courses. It’s […]

today1 April 2023 6205 20 2

Our Socials

I Am Youth web radio is the go-to platform for today’s young adults. Our team of young, charismatic influencers is based in South Africa. We produce high-quality content on TikTok social media and YouTube. Our primary goal is to infiltrate the spaces that young people already occupy.

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