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The secret to happiness

today31 October 2022 70

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What is real happiness? Can we buy it, sell it, trade it? The world seems to think so and offers happiness in many forms – but it never lasts. Look like this, be able to do that, own these things; and you’ll be truly happy. Here’s a different take on experiencing moments of true happiness – and it won’t cost you a thing.

Happiness in simple living

Love. Life. Sunshine. Music. Friends. Coffee. Dogs. Pizza. Guys. Rain. Sleeping. Food. Spring. The ocean. Movies. Tea. Cats. Girls. Winter. Vacation. Christmas. Hamburgers. Dating. Beach. Sunset. Mountains. Bacon.

One of these words brought a smile to your face. The essence of loving life is finding joy in the small things.

I pity the man who is not excited when the waiter arrives with his order. We have over complicated life. We indulge in smartphones, Facebook, and status updates and lost the essence of life. For instance, we do not enjoy lunch because it is pizza; we think about what lunch will make us seem happy on Facebook. We do not embrace the car our parents gave us because the Sierra filter on Instagram shows that it is secondhand.

Finding joy in the small things does not mean finding happiness in a small smartphone. It means smiling at a stranger, thanking the lady who packed your groceries into the plastic bag, it means hugging friends, spontaneous hi-fives, embracing food for the mere fact that it is available in abundance, showing love instead of looking for love, feeling the rain and not just getting wet. Wwalks on the beach, petting a dog, sleeping. These are the small things in life. And if you embrace them, you will notice that even though they are small, they make a mighty significant change.

I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living; it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, which is what I do, enabling you to laugh at life’s realities.

– Dr Seuss.

Happiness aside, you should also never pretend to be ok. Speaking to someone is not only for people going through extra heavy emotions. It is also good for the “lighter” but sad and mad ones. You never have to go through things alone. Please get in touch with us on our Youth Hotline. We also offer free WhatsApp counseling, so remember, whether it’s big or small, we are here for you.

Written by Charl du Toit.

Written by: Han

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