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Does God help us build successful businesses?

today30 November 2022 163 1

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It may seem strange to believe God is interested in helping us build successful businesses. We generally think of him in the context of church and church alone. However, he is the God of everything and is not limited to the confines of the house of prayer. You can ask God to give you a business idea and lead you through it. Alternatively, if you already have an idea, you can ask God to show you how to turn it into a lucrative trade.

God is not against success.

We must work to make a living [Genesis 3:19]. Moreover, learning how to work, earn money and manage it gives you skills that are beneficial in the long term. Therefore, you must expose yourself to opportunities within the fields you are interested in. Sometimes the discovery of your purpose comes by trying to go out and try. It is necessary to bring all your plans to God in prayer first.

In this podcast, Danny explains that he did precisely that and then got cast for an advertisement role for an international company that paid him big bucks. So, although your path may differ, you can be open to the possibilities. God knows you and knows exactly what suits you best. So go on, pray, and ask him to show you the way. The only thing that ever stands between you and the success that lies within you is you.

When you ask God for help with your venture, you must trust him. Even in trusting, you need to put in the work of finding out what you are passionate about; and what your community needs as a service.  It’s essential that our professions not only serve us but also serve the community at large. The motive for your vocation ought to be fuelled by passion and purpose. Passion is what serves you, whereas purpose is what serves others, and that healthy balance breeds success.

You have permission to dream, wish, and hope for a bright future. You need only bring all these to the Father, who grants you wisdom on attaining them. Don’t have an idea to start with? Think about what bothers you that has not been fixed yet. Then, think of solutions to solve this matter. There’s your grand business idea.

Join Danny as he shares some truths about how you can and should include God in your business and enjoy the success that comes with it. For more cool ideas on many different topics, check out our lifestyle blog or listen to a podcast on iono.fm.


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