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About bad decisions we make in our youth

today1 April 2023 61

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The bad decisions we make in our youth come with consequences. The existence of consequences to our actions or lack of action often teaches us lessons on how to make better choices. Unfortunately, some of us choose to live our lives as though our actions have no consequences and indulge in reckless behaviours.

Anything from going to rave parties and missing class or work the next day to driving like a maniac on the road without considering the lives of others on the road too.

Lessons are blessings

Consequences are not that fun to experience, but they give us an opportunity to learn a lesson. They are a blessing, offering us a second chance to do something right. Decisions while young may seem like something that doesn’t matter immediately, but life’s consequences don’t necessarily appear immediately after a bad decision. Instead, some consequences jump on you years later – better known as delayed consequences. As counterintuitive as this may seem, embrace the hardship of consequences because they refine you and help you be and do better.

The difference between acceptance and compromise

We live in a world where acceptance is just another excuse to compromise. There is a clear difference between being loved, appreciated, and accepted for who you are; and allowing that to be the basis for excusing behaviours and actions that work against your growth and development.

In essence, you want to encourage the people in your life to support your growth by holding you accountable for your actions, no matter how uncomfortable. Comfort is the enemy of progress.

Wisdom teaches us that small, consistent acts, over time, offer great results later in life. For example, choosing to eat healthy, learning to save some money and doing your schoolwork all result in great results when you’re older. These are habits and disciplines that you can carry on in your older life. It is the compound effect of making a good choice and sticking to it come rain or sunshine. Over time, you will reap the benefits of sticking to a plan regardless of changing circumstances.

Think of your future self

You can enjoy your current youth stage while considering your future self. Think of it this way, when you’re 15, you’re only five years from 20. Then when you’re 20, you’re only five years away from 25. Therefore, be cautious not to take for granted how your current choices can negatively impact your future self.

Act with kindness towards the future you. You want to look back at your life and be proud of your commitments to ensure your future self lives a fulfilling life.

Listen to the podcast below to get sage advice on why making good choices today will offer you great rewards in future. For more cool ideas on many different topics, check out our lifestyle blog or listen to a podcast on iono.fm.

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