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Be the light so others can find the way

today19 September 2022 87 2

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Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.

Many people talk about making a difference but following God’s instruction as stated above is requires making the change from talking to doing. If Christians talk less and act as the light and salt of this world what a wonderful place it will be?

Have you ever eaten a meal that needed salt, but you didn’t have any salt? No matter how delicious it may have looked the taste is not so good, others would go as far as to say “it’s terrible”. The truth of the matter is that salt seems so insignificant until it is absent, or there’s not enough where it is needed.  The same goes for light; it is not that important during the day but as soon as it gets dark everyone begins to appreciate the effect of its presence. Especially in South Africa with load-shedding, right!

These two elements are what Jesus thought best describes who and what the believers in Him are and what their function ought to be in the world. The great thing about salt and light is they both have no need to introduce themselves or announce their arrival. However their presence comes with such contagious influence. Wherever there is darkness and you put on a light, regardless of its size, darkness has to go. In the same way, we have to be such a positive influence in our surroundings, bringing Godly influence wherever we are. Salt is also used to preserve things from decay. You standing for what is right will stop decay from taking over where God has placed you.

It doesn’t have to be huge unrealistic things, you and I have to know, whether we like it or not, someone is watching and following our example. So we might as well deliberately lead and demonstrate Godly values wherever we are. When people see that you are “different” they will want to know what makes you different and yes that will open the opportunity to tell them about Jesus – the One who changes lives.

Let’s make a difference that matters. Be the light in the dark places in this life and preserve life by being salt. You don’t have to be perfect to shine light, there is beauty in brokenness.

If you are in need of some light and salt, then please drop in for a chat via our Youth Hotline. For more inspiration listen to our podcasts on iono.fm.


Written by: Han

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